Fts Aff

  1. Fts Aff Game
  2. Fts Aff Suzuki Cup
  3. Fts Aff 2016
CupFts affiliates

A – Air, Compressed Air, compressed air line, area
A/C – Air conditioning
ABC – Above ceiling
AC – Air Conditioning air chamber, alternating current
ACD – Automatic Control Damper
AD – Access Door
AF – Air Foil
AFF – Above finished floor
AFG – Above finished grade
AFUE – Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency
AHU – Air Handling Unit
AL – Aluminum
AMB – Ambient
AMP – Ampere
AP – Access Panel
APD – Air Pressure Drop
ARR – Arrangement
AS – Air Stream
ATC – Automatic Temperature Control
ATM – Atmosphere
AUTO – Automatic
AUX – Auxiliary
AVG – Average
B & S – Bell and spigot
BBD – Boiler blowdown
BDD – Back-Draft Damper
BF – Boiler feed
BHP – Boiler horsepower, brake horsepower
BI – Backwards Inclined
BOD – Bottom of Duct
BOP – Bottom of pipe
BOT – Bottom
BP – Back pressure
BSMT – Basement
BTU – British Thermal Unit
BTUH – British Thermal Unit per Hour
BV – Butterfly valve
C – Condensate line
C to C – Center to center
CA – Compressed air
CAL – Calorie
CAP – Capacity
CD – Condensate drain
CENT – Center, Centrifugal
CF – Cubic Feet chemical feed, cubic foot
CFH – Cubic feet per hour
CFM – Cubic Feet per Minute
CH – Chilled, Chiller
CHW – Chilled Water
CHWR – Chilled Water Return
CHWS – Chilled Water Supply
CI – Cast iron
CIRC – Circular
CL – Center line
CM – Centimeter
CM2 – Square centimeter
CO – Clean out, Carbon Monoxide
COL – Column
CONC – Concrete, concentric
CONN – Connection, Connect
CONT – Continuation
CPVC – Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
CR – Condenser return
CRW – Chemical resistant waste
CS – Condenser supply
CT – Cooling Tower
CTBD – Cooling Tower Blow Down
CTR – Center
CU – Cubic
CU FT. – Cubic feet
CU IN. – Cubic inches
CUH – Cabinet Unit Heater
CV – Check valve
CW – Cold water
CWR – Condenser Water Return, cold water riser
CWS – Condenser Water Supply
D – Drain, Deep
DB – Dry Bulb {Reference to Temperature}
DDC – Direct Digital Control
DEG – Degree
DELTAT – Temperature difference, Delta Temperature
DET – Detail
DIA – Diameter
DIM – Dimension
DISC – Disconnect
DN – Down
DP – Differential Pressure, Dew point temperature
DR – Drain
DWG – Drawing
E to C – End to center
EA – Each, Exhaust Air
EAHU – Exhaust Air Handling Unit
EAT – Entering Air Temperature
EATR – Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio
EER – Energy efficient ratio
EF – Exhaust Fan
EFF – Efficiency
EJ – Expansion joint
EL – Elevation
ELB – Elbow
ELEC – Electrical
EMER – Emergency
EMS – Energy Management System
ENT – Entering
ERV – Energy Recovery Ventilator
ESP – External Static Pressure
ET – Expansion Tank
EUH – Electrical Unit Heater
EVAP – Evaporator
EWT – Entering Water Temperature
EXH / EX – Exhaust
EXP – Expansion
EXST – existing
EXT – External
F – Fahrenheit
FA – Free Area, Fire Alarm
FC – Flexible Connection, flexible connection
FCO – Floor clean out
FCU – Fan Coil Unit
FD – Floor Drain, Fire Damper, Fire Department
FDW – Feed water
FEC – Fire extinguisher cabinet
FF – Finish floor

Fts Aff Game

  • . 6:2 FtS PFOS and PFOA. PFOS and PFOA exceed EPA health advisory levels (200 and 400 ng/L). Carboxylates and telomer sulfonates minor components in AFFF (1980s-present) Red = UCMR3 Field Site 1 Field Site 2a ng/L ng/L 4:2 FtTAoS 990 210 6:2 FtTAoS 53,000 6,900 4:2 FtS 230 7,500 6:2 FtS 5,700 220,000 8:2 FtS 11,000 370 PFBS. 64,000 43,000.
  • If you select 'Credit card' as your payment method, there will be an extra 2.9% processing fee on top of your total purchase price. If you select 'Paypal' as your payment method, there will be an extra 2.9% processing fee on top of your total purchase price.'

Fts Aff Suzuki Cup


Fts Aff 2016

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