- Scarlett 2i2 is the best selling USB audio interface in the world, and for good reason. We've focussed on three things; achieving the best sound, the fastest speed and the easiest experience. Ableton Live Lite, the Softube Time and Tone Bundle, Focusrite's Red Plug-In Suite, Novation's Bass Station virtual instrument and 2GB of Loopmasters.
- Updates Scarlett 18i20 firmware to version 634. Addresses 18i20 connectivity issues. Important notes.
Focusrite Novation Support Tutorial: Setting a plug-in path in Ableton Live In the unlikely event that you have followed the steps throughout this video, and you are still experiencing problems. Based on Focusrite’s original harware Red range and classic ISA console modules, the Scarlett plug-in suite provides the perfect upgrade for your DAW. The Scarlett user interface features a stunning Red anodized aluminium look with intricately modeled, lifelike VU meters.
Confused between Komplete Audio 6 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i4? Read the comparison between these products below to find out which audio interface that will give you the best value and performance! They both indeed have excellent build quality and clean, reliable sound, but there are notable differences in terms of connectivity, software, and latency performance.
Continue reading to find outmore information about:
- Whether theseaudio interfaces have good build quality or not
- Which model thatis generally easier to use
- Why KompleteAudio 6 is more versatile than Focusrite Scarlett 2i4
- What softwareprograms that are included with each model
- The performanceof Komplete Audio 6 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i4
- Which audiointerface that is generally more recommended

Komplete Audio 6: Design and Build
Komplete Audio 6 has combined elements of the common desktop audio interface format with its own original ideas. One of the regular elements would be the compact yet tough aluminum chassis, which puts the inputs on the front panel and outputs on the rear panel. The construction is really robust. See also: Focusrite Scarlett Solo Vs PreSonus AudioBox
The distinctive feature is the control layout. Komplete Audio 6 has put the main volume knob and several light indicators on the top, while the controls for the inputs and monitoring are still on the front. This design has made the unit appear unique and attractive. Adjusting the main volume becomes very intuitive. The only potential problem is if you want to hide your audio interface under a desk, in which case the top panel will be difficult to access.
Needless to say, the buildquality is top-notch. With a weight of about 1.9 lbs, Komplete Audio 6 feelsreassuringly solid and rugged. The black and silver finish looks beautiful. Theknobs are made of rubber and work smoothly. At the bottom, there are rubberfeet that ensure the unit’s stability and prevent scratching.

Komplete Audio 6: Features and Connectivity
At first, in terms ofconnectivity, Komplete Audio 6 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 may seem to besimilar. They each have two XLR/TRS combo inputs, along with 5-pin MIDI I/Oports. However, after checking their rear panels, you will find that KompleteAudio 6 can be quite more versatile than Focusrite Scarlett 2i4.
In addition to the two comboinputs, Komplete Audio 6 also comes with two 1/4-inch TRS inputs that arelocated on its rear panel, which can be very handy when you need to plug inmore instruments. Furthermore, there is a pair of S/PDIF I/O ports. Meanwhile,for outputs, there are four 1/4-inch TRS ports. There is a dedicated headphoneoutput for direct monitoring.
The inputs on the front havededicated gain level knobs. The headphone output also has its own volumecontrol, along with the option to switch between Inputs 1/2 and 3/4. There is aglobally switchable 48V phantom power for use with condenser mics.
With such input and outputoptions, Komplete Audio 6 can be easily adapted to suit pretty much any purposeand set-up. Even though the price is fairly affordable, the company hasn’tcompromised on the quality. Komplete Audio 6 is equipped with high-end preampsand Cirrus Logic converters.
Komplete Audio 6: Software
Komplete Audio 6 is not onlyimpressive in terms of hardware. The software bundle that comes with it is alsorock-solid.
The company has included Cubase LE 6 and Traktor LE 2, which can be very useful for mixing, composing, and DJ-ing if you don’t have your own software yet. While these apps are considered ‘light’ versions, they are sufficient to get you started.
You will also get the fullKomplete Elements suite, too, which is really cool. The Komplete Elements suiteprovides 1,000 plug-ins and sounds, most of which are really high-quality.These are similar to the ones found in the company’s Komplete 7 premiumpackage.
With the included software, KompleteAudio 6 becomes a ‘killer’ audio interface. It offers a very good value for themoney.

Komplete Audio 6: Performance
At this point, you areprobably wondering about the performance of Komplete Audio 6 vs FocusriteScarlett 2i4. An audio interface may come with all the connections and softwarethat you want, but it is still useless if the performance doesn’t meet yourstandard. Fortunately, the performance of Komplete Audio 6 lives up to thehype.
The sound is consistentlyvery clean and accurate with low latency, both on mics and on instruments. Thelight indicators on the top will give you a concise idea of what is going onwith the unit.
The gain controls easilyprovide ample volume for most microphones, even if you happen to work with micsthat are notoriously quiet. Unfortunately, the headphone is not as loud asdesired, though the volume is still pretty good.
Needless to say, the softwareis really impressive. Komplete Audio 6 can be quite flexible with its routingoptions. DJs will appreciate the ability to switch the headphone source and theseparate main outs with a monitor mix that can be controlled easily.
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4: Design and Build
First impression matters, andFocusrite Scarlett 2i4 definitely gives a very good one. This audio interfacecomes in a red anodized aluminum chassis which looks really stylish and beautiful.Not only that; it is also quite lightweight at barely 2 lbs, yet it feels veryrobust and durable.
Add the compact form factorinto the highlight, and you know for sure that this is a highly portable audiointerface that you can stuff into your bag and bring along wherever you go. Unfortunately,there are still some minor quirks.
The control knobs ofFocusrite Scarlett 2i4 are made of plastic. While they are definitelyfunctional, they don’t feel as nice as the rubber ones on Komplete Audio 6. Inaddition, the plastic knobs and switches are somewhat prone to impacts. At thebottom, there are rubber feet that elevate the device and prevent scratching.
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4: Features and Connectivity
If we compare the connectivity of Komplete Audio 6 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, we can easily see that Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 is at a slight disadvantage. It has fewer input and output options, so it won’t be as versatile. Still, there are a few additional features on Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 which some people may find useful.
On the front panel, there aretwo XLR/TRS combo inputs with dedicated gain level controls, line/instrumentlevel switches, and pad switches. There is also a headphone output for directmonitoring; you can adjust the balance between the input signal and theplayback stream, swap between stereo and mono, and choose between Inputs 1/2and 3/4.
The pad switches will allowyou to reduce the gain levels by 10dB. This is useful when you are trying torecord hot signals, such as those from electric guitars. Other instruments canalso benefit from the added headroom.
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Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 alsohas a globally switchable 48V phantom power. Now moving to the rear panel, youcan find a pair of 5-pin MIDI I/O ports, four unbalanced RCA outputs, and twobalanced 1/4-inch TRS outputs.
If you are interested in thismodel, you should consider whether having two inputs is enough for you. Youshould also consider if you need an S/PDIF connection or not, as this modellacks that.
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4: Software
Scarlett Plug-in Suite Ableton Plugins
Anyhow, Focusrite Scarlett2i4 does come with good software. Gradle parallel task execution definition. There are authorization codes for AbletonLive Lite and the Scarlett plug-in suite. Although Ableton Live Lite is just astarter version of Ableton Live, it is already great for beginners. It includesthe core library, full VST and AU support, and the ability to record up toeight audio and MIDI tracks. Not to mention that it allows you to upgrade tothe full-fledged Ableton Live DAW with a discount.
The Scarlett plug-in suite isquite impressive, providing a number of EQ, reverb, compression, and gatingplug-ins. They sound good and are easy to tweak. You will also get the SoftubeTime and Tone Bundle, 2GB of Loopmasters samples, and one free XLN AddictiveKeys virtual instrument.
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4: Performance
The overall performance ofFocusrite Scarlett 2i4 is actually good. The mic preamps have plenty of power,and they sound clean and transparent without adding much color. Vocals andinstruments can be captured with very good accuracy and detail. The latency isquite low.
Managing clipping becomes aneasy task with the pad switches. MIDI connectivity works well. You can connectsynths or digital pianos to the unit easily. The volume of the headphone outputis somewhat low, but definitely still usable.
The only issue with Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 is that the USB connection is a bit unreliable. The unit often crashes when the computer is waking up from sleep or hibernation. It may also crash if left idle for too long. The crash may cause the unit to work with no sound, experience distortion, or power off completely. To avoid this issue, you should unplug the USB connection whenever the unit is not in use. When a crash happens, you need to restart the computer.
Komplete Audio 6 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i4
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Both are good audiointerfaces, but Komplete Audio 6 is generally better and more recommended. Theoverall performance is more reliable. The sound is good and the preamps provideample volume. Not to mention that it has more input and output options that canbe very useful for some people.