Sudarshan Kriya 20 40 40 Mp3

  1. Sudarshan Kriya 20 40 40 Mp3 Download
  2. Sudarshan Kriya 20 40 40 Mp3 Download

Art Of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3 DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) Show Spoiler. 3 step pranayam: First of all, sit in vajrasana. First step - Hands on hip bone. Breath in till 4 count, hold breath till 4 count, breath out till count 6, hold breath for 2 counts.

Of all the 20 types of yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya is the highest kriya. This meditation cuts all darkness. It will give you a new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the hardest. It cuts through all barriers of the neurotic or psychotic inside-nature. When a person is in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work. The pressure has to be stimulated from within. This kriya invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. One of the three master Aquarian Age kriyas (along with Sat Kriya and Kirtan Kriya), doing Sodarshan Chakra Kriya is a way to master yourself.

Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya audio is not available in MP3 format. You can hear the Sudarshan Kriya audio in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s voice at any of the Art of Living follow-up centers. Sudarshan Kriya audio is available only with Art of Living teachers to use it only for the. I did Sudarshan Kriya for the first time four years back and it was 8 or 9 PM.And after doing that when i opened my eyes, I felt like I woke up from full night sleep and felt like it was dawn and I became so calm (I was a restless type of person).After 1-2 years I realize that this is a great way to go deep in meditation.And when one becomes.

It is like clearing out the trash from our subconscious. It is a powerful intermediate meditation and can be challenging for a beginner to practice correctly. A teacher is valuable to help a student understand the subtle aspects of this Kriya.

A recording of 'Wahe Guru for Sodarshan Chakra Kriya' by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa & Gurusangat Singh. Can be found at either Ancient Healing Ways or Spirit Voyage.

Sudarshan kriya technique

Yogi Bhajan talks about intuition
And Shows how to do Sodarshan Kriya in this video.

This is a wonderful video lecture a Yogi Bhajan explains the subtle meanings of the Mantra Waheguru. At around 9:32 he leads the class in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. (for some reason it goes dark - I'm working on it - SSK/8/1417)


Sit with a straight spine, chin level to the floor, locked in Jalandhara Bhanda (chin lock)

Breath and Actions:

  • Block off the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Inhale slowly and deep through the left nostril.
  • T hen hold the breath by suspending the action of breathing and lifting the chest slightly.
  • while you mentally chant'Wahe Guru' 16 times,
  • pumping the navel point 3 times with each repetition,
  • once on Wha,
  • once on Hey, and
  • once on Guru - for a total of 48 pumps.
  • Release the right nostril.
  • Place the index finger (pinkie finger can also be used) to block of the left nostril,
  • exhale slowly and completely through the right nostril.
  • Continue to repeat this sequence of breathing, holding and pumping.


  • Look at the tip of the nose
  • eyes 9/10th closed

End of Meditation:

  • Inhale, hold 5-10 seconds, exhale.
  • Then stretch your arms up high
  • shake every part of your body for about 1 min.
  • so that the energy may spread.
  • At this point you can do One Minute Breath
  • or simply do a layout.
  • Breathe and be still.
  • Circulate the energy and integrate the experience.
  • Allow the adjustment to take place.

See Comments Below:

Guru Tej Kaur asked Yogi Bhajan for a 1000 day meditation, he gave her Sodarshan and she has now been doing it for 18 years, from: Spirit Voyage's Summer Solstice 2008 Special Edition - Focus on Teachers and Musicians.

'I love So Darshan Chakra Kriya. I've been doing it for 62 minutes a day for 15 years,' Sham Rang - Message #9919 from the Yahoo Group.

Recent Update!!

NOTE: There has been more than one description of Sodarshan Ckakra Kriya circulating around. Nam Kaur checked with Yogi Bhajan and he clearly confirmed that there is only one version of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. The correct description is included below.

'Now, most powerful and beautiful is Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. I thought that I have taught for so many years, now people are ready for it. We didn't start teaching it the first day. For me (I do not know about anyone else) it took 30 years to be able to control my left and right nostrils without holding them with my fingers. And I still do that sometimes when I feel very weak - I use my hand and fingers. Somebody can say, 'Switching nostrils is not needed since the air coming through the right nostril and the left nostril meets.'We shall not take any responsibility for such wrong practices! What the hell is one creating? Disturbing the pituitary, the master command gland? These kinds of jokes will end by themselves, but it will be dangerous for those who practice it wrong. There is nothing in the teachings which are not clearly stated and which have not worked accurately'.

~ Yogi Bhajan Gurdwara Sunday, December 22nd, 2002

IKYTA often receives questions from teachers about the science of Kundalini Yoga, asking if it is okay to substitute or delete exercises in a kriya, or teach only one part of a three-part meditation, etc. We have even been asked if it is okay to teach a Kundalini Yoga meditation in a Hatha Yoga class! Yogi Bhajan explained that this is not permissible, that Kundalini Yoga should not be mixed with other forms of yoga, and kriyas should not be changed in any way, except to shorten the times of the exercises if desired. I'll pass on another direct quote from Yogi Bhajan which says it best:

'The Teachings are the Teachings, and have no one's personality in them. I never edit them; you should not edit them. It is a Golden Chain. My own prayer is that you can perfect what it is, and go with it. It is a funny thing. It is a three thousand year old proven path - it's not going to stop. Why do you want to add or subtract something - to satisfy your ego or convince students? It is very deceitful on the part of a teacher to teach teachings to please people. So honestly give people what we have. Teach like me. Teach exactly as it is. If you are not going to teach Kundalini Yoga purely, then don't teach it at all. With Kundalini Yoga you are dealing with the life force of the atom.

Don't play with the pranic energy'.

~ Yogi Bhajan


This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. According to the Tantra Shastras, it can make you perfect your potential and be a superhuman human. It purifies your past and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling and balance all the 27 facets of the life and mental projection. And in those 27 total virtues of the world lies the entire universe. So start with 31 min, then after a while do it for 40 minutes, then for 62 min.

  • If you do this meditation for 62 minutes to start with, and develop to the point that you can do it 2-1/2 hours a day, 1/10th of the day, it gives you 'Nao niddhi athara siddhi';that is you will get the nine precious virtues and the 18 occult powers.It opens your inner universe to relate, co-create and complete the external universe.
  • At 2-1/2 hours every day, it makes out of you a perfect superman.It purifies, it takes care of the human life and
  • brings together all 27 facets of life and makes a human perfect, saintly, successful and qualified. It gives you the pranic power of health and healing. It establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life.
  • The kriya never fails.

To gain these benefits requires different efforts from different people. Each mind has stored up its own pile of negative thought and energy. So each pit is cleaned on its own time and scale. You decide how much time you have and you need to invest in this practice. Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth, dimensions, caliber and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. It saves you when internal pressures have become too great for any external influence or solution. It gives you the ability to stimulate your self from inside.

Time Constraints:

There is no time, no place, no space and no condition attached to this mantra. Each garbage pit has its own time to clear. If you are going to clean your own garbage, you must estimate and clean it as fast as you can, or as slow as you want. You have to decide how much time you have to clean up your garbage pit.

Suggested length for this kriya is 31 minutes or 62 minutes a day.

Biography in hindi pdf. Note: This is how the Siri Singh Sahib kept track of the counting. We do not have to do it this way. There are 2 cds that use the chanting to count the 16 times.

  • Inhale blocking the right nostril with the right thumb,
  • other fingers held straight up in the air.
  • And then I hold,
  • and then I count '16' - - how?
  • One. two. three -- counts with the pinkie finger, moving it slightly three times.
  • Four, Five, six -- moves the ring finger three times.
  • Seven, eight, nine -- moves the middle or Saturn finger three times.
  • Ten, eleven, twelve: -- moves the index finger three times.
  • Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen -- moves the thumb slightly for three beats.
  • Sixteen -- brings the index finger over to block off the left nostril,
  • as he releases the right thumb from the right nostril.
  • Then Exhale through right nostril.

Note: Additionally, Yogi Bhajan has 'suggested' tha we follow any Kriya with One Minute Breath:

  • 20 seconds slow inhale,
  • 20 seconds suspending the breath
  • and 20 seconds slowly releasing the breath.
  • Do this for up to 11 minutes.
  • If you have trouble with 20 seconds then do 15 seconds.
  • Don't beat yourself up.

This should be a delicious experience where you savor the subtlety of your efforts. This will allow your whole psyche to fully assimilate and digest the Kriya consciously and will help you sustain the effects of your practice.

Note: The following section is from a Kundalini Yoga site, but not one aligned with Yogi Bhajan. I have included it because I can't hold my breath long enough to do the 3 pumps. Sat Avtar Kaur

Beginners Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Modify kriya as follows: Do only 1 pump for each chant of Wahay Guru. So in total with your breath held in you will do 16 pumps per cycle. Also, reduce the force of the pump to where you are comfortable. Start with 3 minutes and build up to 11 minutes. The kriya should be practiced daily.

Intermediates Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Modify kriya as follows: Do only 2 pumps for each chant of Wahay Guru. One for Wahay and one for Guru. So in total you will do 32 pumps with your breath held in per cycle. Pump your stomach with a moderate force. You should try to do 11 minutes, then go to 22 minutes and then to 31 minutes daily.

Advanced Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: Do the kriya as described above in the description section. You should be pumping your stomach with full force and you should do 31 minutes daily. The commitment should be to do 40 days without missing a day, 31 minutes each day.

To do the Perfect and complete kriya and thus extract the maximum benefit and reach super human caliber, the requirement is to do 62 minutes per day and build it up to 2 1/2 hours everyday.

SodarshanChakra Kriya also improves your physical wellbeing. It expands your nervous system, respiratory system and helps your digestive system and gives a boost to the immune system. It promotes peace, joy and strength.

Breathing in through the left nostril activates the right hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere is responsible for your meditative, creative and artistic powers.

The mantra itself, Wahay Guru, means ecstasy beyond words and represents one's higher consciousness. Chanting this mantra attracts this divine energy towards one.

Pumping the navel helps ignite and awaken Kundalini Shakti so she can make her ascent up the spine to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) activating, rejuvenating, balancing and healing all the other Chakras and associated organs in her path.

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Committing to a daily practice allows one to flower

Sudarshan Kriya 20 40 40 Mp3 Download

As an avid reader of Steve Pavlina’s blog, Personal Development for Smart People, I have long admired his tenacity in determining a course of action and sticking to it. He is the champion of the thirty day trial – a process whereby he’ll try something out for thirty days to see how it impacts his life. After thirty days, the practice is sufficiently ingrained into his day so that if the results have been beneficial, it is simple to carry on.

It’s a great way to make a lifetime commitment to something, without saying, “I’m going to do this for the rest of my life.”

In yoga, the commitment to a specific daily practice is sometimes called “sadhana” – or spiritual practice. Steve’s great at sadhana, and in being great at it, he carries his readers along for the ride, and also inspires many of them to do the same sadhana themselves. As my stated mission on this site is for everyone in New Zealand to be doing yoga, I’m going to borrow from Steve, and go public with my own sadhana.

In my New Years’ post, Ten reasons to make practicing yoga your New Years’ Resolution, I stated that the only resolution needed to transform one’s life fro the inside out was to practice more yoga. I already practice every day in some way, shape or format, but I wanted to make this my resolution too. Part of the reason I love Prana Flow is that it’s a style of yoga which allows me to do whatever I need to do on that day to bring myself into balance – whether it’s asana, pranayama, meditation or a combination of all three. Yet this also means that my practice is not consistent from day to day. So, in order to both do more yoga and find a daily consistency, I am committing to practicing a specific kriya for forty days. I’ve chosen forty days, over Steve’s thirty, because committing to something for forty days aligns with spiritual practice, plus that’s how long it’s meant to take before the benefits really start to show themselves.

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya:

This kriya is meant to be one of the most powerful pranayama techniques in yoga. I discovered it via this excellent post at Mastery of Meditation, Yoga and Zen – 3 Most Powerful Yoga Pranayamas and Kriyas – Sodarshan Chakra Kriya – Part 1. Anmol gives expert instructions in how to perform this kriya for the beginner, intermediate or experienced practitioner. I’m starting out at the intermediate level, committing to 11 minutes a day of this breathing technique.

I’ve chosen this particular sadhana because the area of life I am struggling with the most at the moment (and have been for awhile) is the emotional arena. Yoga may be a wonderful practice, but being committed to spiritual growth is not always fun, nor easy! Yet to not press forward with growth, when you can clearly see the garbage that needs to be cleared, is not an option either. So, if I must deal with all this stuff that insists on coming up, it’s better that I do it as fast and efficiently as I can – hence the choice of this practice.

Here’s what Shakta Kaur had to say about this particular kriya:

This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. It has considerable transformational powers. The personal identity is rebuilt, giving the individual a new perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind. It can purify your past karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling you. It balances all the 27 facets of life and mental projection and gives you the pranic power of health and healing. It establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life. It opens your inner universe to relate, co-create and complete the external universe.

Sudarshan Kriya 20 40 40 Mp3 Download


To gain these benefits requires different efforts from different people. Each mind has stored up its own pile of negative thought and energy. So each pit is cleaned on its own time and scale. You decide how much time you have and you need to invest in this practice. (KRI Teacher Training Certification, Level 1 Manual, p. 380.)

In the Summer 2002 issue of Aquarian Times magazine, Yogi Bhajan stated that Sodarshan Chakra Kriya can remove impressions of past male partners in the female’s arc line.

Further, a recently published medical study showed it to be more effective than antidepressant medication in treating psychological issues. 11 minutes a day will build your confidence and capacity to know who you are; 31 minutes a day will give you great strength and discipline. One year will make you feel fantastic; 1,000 days of doing this meditation and no one will be able to match your strength. It helps inner happiness and ecstasy in life. It gives you a new start, against all odds. When external pressure becomes too great, it brings power from the inside. This meditation is said to be the most powerful kriya in the history of yoga. (Meditation as Medicine, Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, pp. 273-274.)

After reading that description, how can you not want to do it?

So, over the next forty days, I will post perhaps twice a week giving updates on my progress, and on what I’ve noticed through this practice. Today was my first day, and it was a tumultuous day to start. My mind was scattered, my emotions were raw, and I was feeling a lot of un-loving thoughts toward myself. Being able to witness one’s ego in action can mean that if one tends towards perfectionism, it’s very easy to be filled with self-loathing and to judge oneself harshly – all while being aware of doing this as well!

Doing the actual practice wasn’t tough. I’m used to sitting and meditating, so 11 minutes isn’t long. (And this sadhana will be in addition to my regular practice.) I’m also familiar with the other components of the kriya – breath retention, stomach pumping, mantra, counting… Still, getting it to all come together was tough. I felt uncoordinated and even out of breath initially. But after the first few rounds, I fell into a rhythm.

After my eleven minutes, I did another 20 minutes of meditation (using another of Anmol’s posts, So Hum Mantra Meditation Technique). As this kriya will always be in addition to other practices, it will be impossible to separate out the results. Suffice to say, that after the eleven minutes, I already felt straighter, taller, lighter and more expansive. It was like I had reached down into my centre and captured hold of myself again. The mind chatter hadn’t ceased completely, but instead of being a discordant swarm of buzzing insects, it had settled down into a steady stream of dialogue. Best of all, I didn’t feel so awful about my perceived weaknesses and failures. The emotional rawness remained, but there was a steadiness that had not been there previously.

Now, a few hours later, I feel able to write for the first time in awhile. Such discernable gains for a mere eleven minutes of effort… such is the joy of yoga!

So, if you’ve decided that you too are going to do more yoga this year, I encourage you to choose a sadhana that suits you. It doesn’t have to be long… just a daily, consistent practice. Maybe you do asana, like doing 10 sun salutations every morning. Maybe it’s a ten minute meditation. Perhaps it’s some pranayama, or mantra. Whatever it is, choose something that you’re attracted to, and something that you can maintain for forty days. Better to do the ten minutes every forty days than to start with a whizz bang 90 minute practice and only last a week. If you’re stuck and don’t know what to do, talk to your local yoga teacher, ask me via my contact form.

Good luck!

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