The Bruker Topspin™ software allows acquisition, processing and analysis of 1, 2 or 3D NMR data, and printing and export of the spectra. Besides the spectrometers, the software is available for processing/plotting on the external Linux workstations in the NMR lab. The Software can also be installed and run on personal computers in the department. The Department has a five seat network license (Code Meter) or users can obtain a free academic license from Bruker. The current version used for processing is 3.6.2.
- Download Topspin™ from NMR Lab Website (login required):
WindowsOsX Linux - Download Topspin™ from the Bruker website (free account required):
Topspin for WindowsTopspin for Mac OsXTopspin for Linux - Request a free Academic License HERE
Bruker Topspin CMC-se
The Structure elucidation module of Topspin allows for the automatic assignment of known structures or the generation of proposed structures using 2D COSY, HSQC and HMBC spectra. Starting with the molecular sum formula, the CMC-se solution analyzes the molecular structure using a defined protocol of 1D and 2D NMR spectra by generating a correlation table. The spectra and correlations can be generated automatically or interactively.
The Bruker Topspin™ software allows acquisition, processing and analysis of 1, 2 or 3D NMR data, and printing and export of the spectra. Besides the spectrometers, the software is available for processing/plotting on the external Linux workstations in the NMR lab. The Software can also be installed and run on personal computers in the department. This manual is intended to be only a very brief introduction for using the Bruker 400 MHz NMR spectrometer (PS751) at the California State University LA NMR Facility. For complete information about the TOPSPIN software or running experiments, please refer to the documentation that Bruker provides. Instructions for Bruker Topspin NMR Acquisition and Processing. Log on and initiate your session in OpenInstrument using your JHED ID and password. Open Topspin software from the icon on the desktop. Prepare sample for insertion into magnet by putting your tube into the sample spinner and adjusting the height with the depth gauge. Variable Temperature NMR using TopSpin 3.1 Introduction Changing temperatures on an NMR spectrometer involves working correctly through a variety of compromises and safety-related issues. The primary compromise in high-resolution NMR is accepting large systematic, but reproducible errors (if procedures are correctly followed) in the measured.
The module is part of the main Topspin software installation, but requires a separate license. The free academic version comes with a “Classroom Licsence” that allows for peak picking and display and management of the assignment tables, but not for the automated assignment and structure generation.
Blue book myanmar love story apk. The Department has currently one network license for the full funtionality that can be used by departmental users.
Bruker Topspin Manual

- The Chemistry NMR facility no longer provides licenses to Bruker’s TopSpin processing software, as it is now free for academic users. Go to Bruker’s website for the license and download.
- The guides listed below are all for Bruker Avance consoles running TopSpin 3.0 or newer, except for one area in the Misc section.
- Directly-detected 1D X-nucleus experiments (13C, 31P, 19F, 29Si, etc) in TopSpin
— Notes for Boron(11B and 10B) NMR
More TopSpin 3.x Guides
- CMC-se and CMC-assist Notes(Structure Elucidation & Structure Verification)
Bruker Topspin Download
Other/Older Bruker Guides
- 2D NMR via TopSpin: cosy, cosylr, dqfcosy, tocsy, hsqc, hsqc-edited, hsqc-coupled, hmbc, noesy, roesy
- 2D NMR via IconNMR
— cosy, cosylr, dqfcosy
— tocsy, hsqc
— hmbc
Bruker Topspin Tutorial
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Bruker Topspin Software

Bruker Topspin Manual Lock
- no-D 1H and 13C NMR(use of non-deuterated solvents)
- Ligand Binding:
— Saturation-Transfer Difference (STD)